Dangerous neighborhoods you should avoid while in Columbia


Columbia, the capital city of South Carolina in the United States, has several neighborhoods that may have higher crime rates or safety concerns. It’s essential to note that crime rates can change, and perceptions of safety can vary. Here are some neighborhoods in Columbia that have been noted for higher crime rates or safety concerns in the past:

  1. Eau Claire: Located north of downtown Columbia, Eau Claire has experienced higher crime rates, particularly property crimes.
  2. North Columbia: Some parts of North Columbia, especially areas around North Main Street and Monticello Road, have had higher crime rates in the past.
  3. Hyatt Park: This neighborhood has had issues with crime, including property crimes and occasional violent crimes.
  4. Five Points: Although popular for its nightlife and restaurants, Five Points has seen occasional incidents of violence, especially during late-night hours.
  5. Rosewood: While generally a residential area with amenities, parts of Rosewood have experienced higher crime rates compared to other areas in Columbia.
  6. St. Andrews / Broad River Road area: This area, located northwest of downtown, has seen higher crime rates, particularly property crimes and drug-related incidents.
  7. Downtown Columbia: While the downtown area is vibrant and has undergone revitalization, certain areas, especially late at night or in less populated spots, may pose safety concerns.

It’s important to note that Columbia, like many cities, has neighborhoods that vary widely in terms of safety and amenities. Local crime statistics and community resources can provide more current and specific information about safety concerns in different neighborhoods. Additionally, exercising general precautions such as staying aware of your surroundings, avoiding isolated areas at night, and securing your belongings can contribute to a safer experience in any city.






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